Friday, March 27, 2009

India vs China

  • Goverment (China) Socialist

  • Goverment (India) Democratic memeber of the commonwealth

  • Life expectancy (India) 63 years

  • Life expectancy (China) 72 years

  • Currency (India) 50 rupees per US dollar

  • Currency (China) 6 yuan per US dollar

  • GDP (India) 2.966 trillion

  • GDP (China) 4.300 trillion

Monday, March 16, 2009

A first world Malaysia.

Malaysia may be far from a superpower but it's certainly a rising bussiness power. Malaysia has set it's goal to be a deveolped nation by 2025. Ofcourse with Malaysia setting it's self up to be only the 2nd south east asian country after it's baby sister Singapore to be a developed country. Ofcourse Malaysia won't be the only asian country to join the deveolped nations list in the near future. Many other countries such as the Phillapines and Indonesia are targeting the idea of being a deveolped nation.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Something China achevied in half the time of America did.

When America became the superpower of the world it rised because it conqured World War II. There hasen't been a World War III for China to fluersh of, instead it has had to rely on cheap manurfacturing and the Chinese Revolution to rise as a en empire. Ofcourse before America was the superpower of the world, England dominated even know there was no such thing as a superpower before then. Over the past half of the century America has dominated on a global scale to influence across the entrie world with it's modern culture. If it took America 40 years to reach it's full potential as a major influence across the world how long could it possibly take China? China has 1 billion more people then America with that many more people behind one nation is it possible China could rise as the world superpower in less then 20 years from now?
China's poverty rate has rapidly dropped over the past ten years and it's middle class has boomed. Luxurious housing estates are sprowting from the slums of the cities and skyscrapers that soar above the clouds are rising along the banks of the Huangpu River. If China is able to do this now and America did this in 20 years time from the 1930's to 50's and China has accomplished to transform Pudong into it's own ultra modern metroplis in just 10 years more then half the time of how long it took for America to do this to Manhatan. Mabey this is just proof that China could be the next great superpower in just 10 years time.
Napoleon " Let China sleep. For when China wakes, it will shake the world."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Construction sites and buildings are always perfect examples of economic boom...

China's constantly building. Wether it's a state of the art bridge crossing the Yangtze or one of the worlds tallest skyscrapers. These photographs are clear examples of the rise of China.


With the US going down the drain wiht 40 trillion dollars worth of debts and the American dream slowly dieing away it's time to make way for a new superpower. China's GDP is growing faster then any other nation on earth and it's people are trading in their rags for the likes for D&G and Chanel clothing....the middle class is rising and the slums of Pudong, Shanghai are being turned into Mega skyscrapers with multi million dollar apartments and overpriced european styled bars and luxurious shopping centers with suburbs full of private housing estates selling away Shanghai's days of "The whore of the orient" to the "Pearl of the orient". This is why I have decided to make this blog to give the world that extra insight into the rise of the new superpowers of the world. Not only China but India and other rising middle powers and finichal centers from the eastern world. Prepare for the rise of the Orient!